
How To Get Rid Of Woodpeckers On House

How to Get Rid of Woodpeckers

In this blog we will teach you how to get rid of woodpeckers. This guide can help you scare them away from any garden, country house, or wherever they are a problem. You can also learn what methods you can use to scare away woodpeckers without doing them any harm. And which ones we should not use, since they are prohibited practices.

It is very important to act quickly as soon as the first woodpecker is perceived in our house or garden, or as soon as the first noise is heard. At that time the woodpecker has begun to make its first hole and from then on the holes will be more and more numerous and larger and larger.

There is also the risk of more woodpeckers arriving in the area or insects entering the holes – which would further exacerbate the problem.

These birds typically peck to remove insects from infested wood in structures. They dig holes for nesting during the breeding season, which is usually late April and May. Woodpeckers damage wooden structures by pecking and drilling holes.

Before continuing with this blog; we must remember that the woodpecker is an endangered species and therefore is a protected species. Avoid any method such as nets, spikes, or gels that can cause harm to woodpeckers

Follow This Guide and Learn How to Get Rid of Woodpeckers

Follow This Guide and Learn How to Get Rid of Woodpeckers

To control these problems, it is necessary to prevent the woodpecker from living in your house as soon as possible. Otherwise, a condition could get worse because its damage is quite difficult to control. The reason for this is the territorial habit of woodbirds and their nature of staying in the same hole throughout the year. Let's not waste any more time, let's continue with this guide.

Follow these methods and learn how to get rid of woodpeckers:

  1. Change the food source of woodpeckers
  2. Use aluminum foil to deter the woodpecker
  3. Repair holes in your home to discourage woodpeckers
  4. Use a sound repeller to ward off the birds

To get rid of woodpeckers that have already been made at home in your garden, it is best to use a technique that will scare them away. Always avoid solutions that can harm woodpeckers, such as sticky substances that trap birds. Instead, use one of these four ideas that have been shown to help protect you from woodpeckers safely.

How Can We Scare Away Woodpeckers?

How Can We Scare Away Woodpeckers?

The first and most important thing to keep in mind is that whatever method is used to scare away woodpeckers, it must be a method that does not cause harm to the birds.

Woodpeckers can be very persistent and are not easily driven from their territories or from the sites they have selected to peck. For this reason, any type of effort to control them should be implemented as soon as the problem is identified and before the territories are affected by these animals.

There are two natural, bird-friendly, harmless methods that you can use to avoid material damage and disturbance from woodpeckers:

Change the Food Source of Woodpeckers

Change the Food Source of Woodpeckers

Wood birds mainly reside in areas where they can easily find their food. Therefore, the best way to protect your home is to remove your food resources from your home. First of all, if wood birds are staggering any part of your house frequently, then chances are good that your house is residing a fairly large population of insects.

Try to remove those insects from your house first and the woodpecker will leave your house on its own.

Another trick is to provide them with a source of food away from your home if they come to your home looking for your food. The best way is to hang a feeder in a suitable place. Suet is a substance made from cow fat, and is the favorite food of wood birds. At first, the suet should be hung anywhere nearby so that wood birds can easily be attracted to it.

Use Aluminum Foil to Deter the Woodpecker

Use Aluminum Foil to Deter the Woodpecker

Woodpeckers can be afraid to see their predators, any shiny or moving material. Therefore, to deter woodpeckers, bring aluminum foil, colorful flags, strips of paper, or a statuette of their predators such as eagles, owls, or hawks. Additionally, a small windmill or wind sock can also deter wood birds from wandering away from your home.

These birds are scared when they hear any sound that resembles that of their predator. Therefore, they can be hampered by playing a recording of their predator's voice, or putting on bells, wind chimes, or even a voice recording of any distressed woodpecker. All these things will scare them, and they will not dare to return to your house.

Besides applying different tricks to control wood birds, the best way is to try natural remedies first. To control that these birds cause you problems, it is necessary to prevent the animal from living in your home as soon as possible. Otherwise, a condition could get worse because its damage is quite difficult to control.

Repair Holes in Your Home to Discourage Woodpeckers

Repair Holes in Your Home to Discourage Woodpeckers

Once the carpenter has entered your home and drilled holes, there is a significant chance that they will do more damage to those parts. Furthermore, insects can also enter these holes and can increase their population. Therefore, it is very necessary to fill and cover those holes as soon as possible.

These holes can be sealed using caulk which is a filler material made up of ground chalk and linseed oil. After the putty has dried, use oil-based paint to cover the putty. To avoid further damage to the birds in the future, it is advisable to cover the damaged parts with a net. These nets can be made of any hard material that can keep these birds away from the drill holes.

Caulk the holes made by the woodpecker. The bird will not be able to make a noise pecking at the caulk and may decide to go elsewhere.

Use a Sound Repeller to Ward off the Birds

Use a Sound Repeller to Ward off the Birds

We do not recommend ultrasonic (silent) bird repellers to scare away woodpeckers in an open environment, outdoors.

Hit a pan with a spoon near the spot where the woodpecker is pecking at your house. The noise may startle the bird, causing it to go away. Keep making that noise if the bird returns, and combine this tactic with other methods for best results.

Instead, choose a bird repeller for sounds. To be effective, such a bird repeller must be specific against woodpeckers. That is, it must include calls for help from the beak or whistle along with sounds from its predators. Woodpeckers will react to these calls for help from birds of their kind. And they will be frightened by the sounds of their predators. This will cause them to leave the area.

What Is the Best Time to Scare Away Woodpeckers?

What Is the Best Time to Scare Away Woodpeckers?

It is very important to act quickly as soon as the first woodpecker is perceived in our house or garden, or as soon as the first noise is heard.

At that moment the woodpecker has begun to make its first hole and from then on the holes will be more and more numerous and larger and larger.

There is also the risk of more woodpeckers arriving in the area or insects entering the holes – which would further aggravate the problem.

Methods NOT TO BE USED in Any Case to Scare Woodpeckers

The Fastest Way to Chase Away Woodpeckers Is by Calling Our Experts!

We must remember that the woodpecker is an endangered species and therefore is a protected species. Avoid any method such as nets, spikes, or gels that can harm woodpeckers. They are prohibited practices. Also do not try to capture them, or remove the eggs from their nests.

The just woodpecker has a very important function for the ecosystem, since it acts as a biological control since it feeds on insects that degrade the trees, therefore, if they disappear, this could be negative for the forests.

As an expert company in pest and wild animal control, we recommend that you be careful when driving these animals away. As we already mentioned, they are a protected species and for no reason can you harm them.

Inspect the pecking spot for insects that may be attracting the woodpecker. Check with a licensed pest control company if there is an insect swarm. Getting rid of them can cause the woodpecker to leave the area.

The Fastest Way to Chase Away Woodpeckers Is by Calling Our Experts!

The Fastest Way to Chase Away Woodpeckers Is by Calling Our Experts!

The quickest and most effective way to get rid of woodpeckers is to call an expert to help you. Grade A Critter has the right tools to help you fix this problem once and for all. We are here to put our experience at your disposal. Each of the methods that we explained to you are effective, but nothing compares to the effectiveness of our processes.

We must remember that the woodpecker is in danger of extinction and therefore is a protected species. Therefore, it takes a lot of experience and care to drive it away. If you want to save time and effort then take your phone and call us. You don't have to worry, our team is here to take care of everything.

Nuthatch bird removal - Calling Our Experts!

On some occasions we have also helped clients get rid of European starling birds that were nesting in the dryer vent. Once we locate the nest we take care of moving it to a tree on the property where it will not cause problems and can develop normally. This is a sign that we have the experience to deal with any type of animal.

It is important to mention that we work under the Georgia federal regulations for migratory birds.

How To Get Rid Of Woodpeckers On House


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